Proven Produce Process
Holistic process which guarantees a mutually beneficial outcome for all involved in the supply chain.
Guaranteed Produce
- Unique grower partnerships providing better than average returns
- Produce experts
- Vast market understanding
- Investment in packhouses
- On the ground quality assessors – experts in their fields
- New post-harvest innovation is always being explored
- Logistic partners who specialise in perishable produce
- Constantly reviewing all aspects of our supply chain to improve grower return and produce quality
- Pre-shipment quality reports prepared and fruit temperature monitored
- Labelled and barcoded for end-to-end traceability
- On arrival quality assessors examine produce and communicate accordingly which influences our continuous improvement strategy
- Global focused and not reliant on one single market giving growers/producers confidence in the process
- Customer mix is very diverse variety of retail and wholesale
- Produce characteristics are assessed and the best market is chosen to maximise grower/producer returns
- Customers can be assured that they are getting the best quality and most consistent produce available
- Always looking for new markets to ensure we remain as the industry leaders
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Alongside our trusted partners, we bring the highest quality fresh fruit available to customers globally.